What Makes Bespoke Engagement Rings so Popular? | London DE

What Makes Bespoke Engagement Rings so Popular? | London DE

These days, when it comes to choosing an engagement ring, there are a lot of options out there. For some, having such a wide variety makes things a bit easier; for others, it makes it a little overwhelming. If you have a specific vision for your engagement ring or you want to get one that’s special and unlike any other, there are bespoke engagement ring options out there where you can have control over every aspect of the final piece.

Recently, more and more couples are choosing to invest in bespoke engagement rings in London and London DE is here to tell you what makes bespoke jewellery so popular!

Unique Engagement Rings Are More Romantic

Sure, there are some lovely and exquisite pre-made engagement rings on the market out there nowadays, but if you go down that route, there is a good chance that many people out there will have the same engagement ring as your partner. However, bespoke engagement rings can be much more romantic because there will be nothing else like your partner’s ring in the world; it will be entirely unique. This demonstrates that you want to give them something that no one else has, a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery that celebrates your love.

bespoke engagement rings London, bespoke jewellery London

(London DE bespoke ‘Bruno’ engagement ring)

You’ll Be Able to Easily Trace the Materials

Since you’ll be building your bespoke engagement ring piece by piece, it’s much easier to trace the origin of your materials. This ensures that all of the materials being used—whether gold, diamonds, or another valuable stone or metal—can be traced to their origin and certified that they were ethically sourced. This is important, as it’s no secret that even with the strictest regulations in place, mass-market jewellery is still difficult to trace, and often, unethical practices may still be occurring.

You Can Use Inherited Jewellery for Inspiration

If you’ve inherited some antique jewellery from friends or loved ones, you can use it as inspiration and a starting point for your ring. Perhaps you simply want to set a new stone in it or have it melted down and reformed into something unique. With bespoke jewellery, anything is possible.

London DE bespoke

(London DE bespoke ‘Virgo’ ring, part of our ‘Vintage’ collection – with all pieces inspired by antique designs)

Contact us for more about bespoke engagement rings in London

In addition to offering bespoke engagement rings in London, our jewellers also specialize in loose gemstone sales, diamonds, and more. Contact us today online for additional information or call +44 207 859 4754.
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